The Enquirer gives Michael Jackson 6 Months to live in January 2009
- Michael Jackson given 6 months to live in January 2009
This excerpt was taken from The Fab Life and was written on the 7th January 2009. See the link here:
“Despite denials from Michael Jackson that he’s suffering from a lethal lung disease, the National Enquirerwith substance abuse.” remains on “Whacko Jacko” death watch. Now their sources give the singer six months to live. “His condition is just so far gone, I’d be surprised if he lasts six months…Painkillers and booze have caught up with him. The only way he was able to cope with the stress of sex scandals and his roller-coaster life was to mask the pain
Jacko biographer Ian Halperin has confirmed their source’s claims of emphysema and gastrointenstinal bleeding with his source. “Michael wants to have the lung transplant, but because of other illnesses he’s fighting, he’s too weak to undergo such a major procedure. He’s taking one painkiller after another.” This would help explain why he’s auctioning off his assets, but then Jackson has been frail and cash-starved for years. Still, if the reports are true, the King of Pop may not be around much longer.”
How interesting that almost exactly 6 months later Michael Jackson died!
This article and the picture (above), begs the question that if indeed Michael Jackson was reported to be ‘frail’ and ’so far gone’ as the article states in January of 2009, how on earth was he able to pass a 5 hour Medical test with ‘flying colours’ which was performed in February 2009 pending the London O2 Concert announcement?
Perhaps the Media had once again got it wrong, publishing lies and heresay (which is always likely), although this explanation still has the problem - it does not explain away the HUGE coincidence that Michael Jackson actually did die 6 months later.
Perhaps the number 1 clue to the entire Michael Jackson Death Hoax lies within this report. Here is a theory:
January 2009 Michael Jackson’s health takes a turn for the worst, AEG Live Organisers and Michael’s Personal Doctor know there is no way possible that he can perform 1 concert, let alone 50. They also know they’ve invested a huge amount of money in the ‘This is It’ comeback tour, as well as started yet another law suit in the mean time. (The organisers of a proposed Jackson Five reunion concert filed a $40m lawsuit alleging that Jackson’s 50 London dates violate the terms of their 2008 contract). The only way Michael is going to recover from his illness and AEG are going to make any money is for MJ to Hoax his death. The state of Michael Jackson’s health is leaked to the press, knowing they will report it. Plans are put into place, and by February, Michael Jackson has left his life and gone into hiding, with everyone else none the wiser.
The person who passed the 5 hour medical exam for the This is It tour was not Michael Jackson. The person who attended the O2 Concert Press Conference was not Michael Jackson. The person who attended the auditions for dancers for the Tour was not Michael Jackson.
The person in the Ambulance on the 25th June was not Michael Jackson.
You may be asking how can these conclusions be met? Please allow me to explain.
Keeping in mind the article from the National Enquirer mentioned above, it appears as though the ‘excess use of painkillers’ story was very much the focus of Michael Jackson’s health issue. Mentioning this seemingly small detail back in January is of course a very crucial detail when we look back on it now after MJ’s death.
Those people within the population who are easily led (and there are many) will look upon the current circumstances surrounding Michael Jackson’s death with all of the ‘drug abuse’ talk and take in the entire story with no question because “oh yes it was reported back in January that Michael Jackson was abusing painkillers everyday – no wonder he died – it was only a matter of time”.
When Michael announces his concerts and begins rehearsals in March, his January health issue is forgotten because of all of the buzz with his comeback. The world is immersed in a Michael Jackson frenzy once again.
After his death, the drug abuse allegation is re-ignited, because as we all know, a heart attack from using the occasional pain killer over the period of a couple of weeks is highly unlikely, especially when MJ was said to be a ‘picture of health’ while completing rehearsals. Therefore the reports of excess drug abuse are very important, as they support the claim that his Cardiac Arrest was indeed caused by drugs.
The drug overdose is also a very important factor for AEG Live. Their insurance claim of Millions dollars will be paid out when Michael Jacksons Toxicology and Autopsy reports prove that drugs caused his death. This is also part of the plan. The remainder of money to be made by AEG Live will come from the sales of the Final Rehearsal DVD, Tribute Tours, unreleased songs and Merchandise.
Jo Jackson is also undoubtedly making a fair cut and will most likely be funneling a portion of his money made to Michael in his new life.
The children have known that this would be happening since February, which is why they had to be revealed. If they had remained hidden, the world would be doubting whether or not they were Michael’s children. The family videos have been released to further back up this claim. Within the next 6 months the children will be with their father.
Jo Jackson will be a rich man, AEG Live will have made a substantial amount of money, not to mention pulling off one of the greatest ’shows’ ever. Michael will be enjoying a quiet and healthy life and his children will be with him, away from the spotlight for good.
…The greatest Hoax the world has ever seen.
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